Monday, June 4, 2012

I Scream. You Scream. We all scream, for...

Ice Cream!  At least I scream for homemade ice cream!

Every summer I make quite a few gallons of homemade ice cream and it's always a huge hit at whatever gathering I take it to.  Everyone assumes it takes me a long time to make it, but really it's quite easy.

Step 1:
Beat 4 eggs until frothy.  Add 2 cups sugar slowly and beat well until thick.

Step 2: 
Slowly add 4 cups half and half or whipping cream mixing at a slow speed.  (I always use half and half to try to save on a few calories.)

Step 3:
Add 2 Tbsp of a good, high quality pure (not imitation) vanilla extract.

Step 4:
Put ice cream mixture into a canister and add milk to the fill line indicated on the inside of the canister (the ice cream will expand as it freezes, so there has to be extra room in the canister - make sure you don't fill it with milk the entire way!)

Step 5:
Put canister in your freezing bucket and pack with alternating layers of ice and ice cream salt.  

Step 6:
Let the freezer run until it stops, adding more ice and salt as it melts.  When the ice cream is frozen, the canister will stop turning and will stall.  You'll know it when it happens.  Then simply unplug (or stop cranking if you're unlucky enough to be using a hand crank machine.) the freezer, remove the canister, wipe the salt and water off the canister, and empty the ice cream into a freezer safe bowl or ice cream container.  

Step 7:
Enjoy!  And, yes, it's really that simple! :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Homemade Egg McMuffins

I love Egg McMuffins from McDonalds.  I usually get one every Saturday morning after my workout on the way home.  I was on Pintrest and found a link to Homemade Egg McMuffins and I absolutely had to try them.

I decided I would make them for my Sunday morning breakfast.  First, I sprayed 6 7" Ramekins with cooking spray and put 1 egg in each Ramekin.  I placed all 6 Ramekins on one cooking sheet and cooked them at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. (I forgot to take a picture of this step, but if you check out the original link about, there is another set of great step by step instructions with pictures at every step.)

While the eggs cooked, I prepped the rest of the sandwich.  I only made Canadian bacon sandwiches, but the link above also tells about making sausage sandwiches - so if you want sausage, check it out.  I took whole wheat English muffins and places a slice of Canadian bacon on one side of each muffin and a slice of American cheese on the other side of the muffin.  (Tip - next time I'm going to toast each muffin first.  I think that would make the sandwich better in the end.)

After the eggs were completely cooked, I ran a knife around the outside of each Ramekin and took the egg out with a mini spatula.  I added the egg and closed up the sandwiches.

I wrapped each sandwich in parchment paper and froze 4 of them.  When I want them, I can just put them, parchment paper and all, in the microwave and warm them up.  If you want to use these to feed a large crowd, you can make the sandwiches ahead of time, wrap them in aluminum foil, freeze them, and then reheat them all in the oven in large batches.

So my final verdict:  These sandwiches were good, but not as good as an Egg McMuffin, although I do think they're healthier.  I think toasting the muffin before assembling the sandwich would help.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Neko's Big Day

So as most of you probably know - Neko has been battling a torn CCL (basically the same as a torn ACL in humans) in her stifle (knee).  I finally just decided to have surgery and (fingers crossed) start the process to recovery!

Today was the big day and she had her surgery.  My vet called and said everything went well and looks good now.  I get to pick her up after work tomorrow.  I'm also taking Thursday and Friday off work so am preparing for a 5 day weekend spent at home caring for my pup!  I've started a new blog to specifically track her recovery in the hopes of helping someone else that's going through this issue.  If you want to follow along - check it out at

I should also have plenty of time this weekend to catch up on blog posts I want to write - so be prepared!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My favorite commercial

So I really don't watch a lot of TV live.  Usually I am watching something that is recorded on my DVR, so  I rarely actually watch the commercials.  Last night was an exception and I saw a commercial that I fell in love with!  Seriously, this commercial reminded me so much of Neko.  And it doesn't just remind me of Neko because it's a black lab - although it helps - but mainly because Neko loves walks and squirrels and especially tennis balls!

Check it out:

I promise it will make you at least smile. :)

Oh, and on a side note - just so you know - if you clip a dogs nails too short they bleed.  And not just a little - seriously, like a gusher.  Good thing for her stuffed animal near by.  So, note to self - don't trim nails unless you have some Kleenex handy, just in case.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

And a month later...

Wow, I came here to post, knowing it had been a little while since I last posted, but I had no idea it had been a month!  Where does the time go?  This past month was C-R-A-Z-Y!  Here's a little rundown of what happened in my life:

1. My birthday!  My birthday was March 12 - and of course my friends and I celebrated like crazy the weekend before.  So, Saturday we went to Shenanigans and partied like rock stars.  Which meant I spent Sunday recuperating.  Monday, my actual birthday, was spent at work and working out (which was not the best idea after the stellar weekend I had).

2. Budget Season - It's budget season at work right now, well we actually just finished.  Budget is a really big deal at Sanford.  It means we make our wish list for next year and then cut, cut, cut.  Basically until we are bled dry.  My boss decided to take a week off this month as well, and headed down to Cancun.  This meant, not only did I get to close out the monthly financials alone for the second month (she was at our clinic in Ghana Africa last month) but I also got to meet with some of the bigwigs from work and deal with budget issues.  It was a crazy week and I was never so glad to have her come back - but it also offered me amazing opportunities for people higher in the organization to notice my work too.

3. Neko - so I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but last winter Neko slipped on ice and partially tore a ligament in her back knee.  She healed up and was doing fine - until Super Bowl Sunday.  Usually in the spring we have to ease back into exercise for her since she gets to be fairly inactive over the winter months.  I forgot this little issue and we went to the dog park and spent about 1-1 1/2 hours chasing tennis balls.  I left her asleep at home and went to a super bowl party; when I got back she wouldn't put any weight on her back leg at all.  I was afraid she was going to have to have surgery, but after quite a bit of research I decided to try letting it heal naturally again.  This means trying to keep her as immobile as possible for about 4 weeks and then slowly reintroducing movement into her life.  Well, every time I think we're getting back to normal, we have a setback - so we're still battling this issue and hoping all goes well when we go to my parents ranch this next weekend for Easter!  It could be interesting...

4. FXB - One session ended of Farrell's on St. Patty's Day (another great recovery happened the 18th as well - but man we all had fun!) so our workouts have been amped up for the last two weeks.  A new session started yesterday, so I get a new group of mentoree's and am excited to see what they all accomplish!

5. My basement...the last week of the month was spent cleaning my basement so I could have Roto Rooter come and clear the drains.  My washing machine has been backing up through my floor drain, which is normal, but it was getting a little out of control.  Finally when I went downstairs to change some laundry and had part of my floor flooded, I admitted defeat and started cleaning everything up so the tech could at least get into the basement.  Since there's no heat - I honestly never go down there during the winter and always have to have a big clean-a-thon in the Spring.  A separate post will be coming about this mission.

So, it's been a packed month of working, working out, trying to keep a dog sane (and myself) and working in my house.  What have you all been up to?  Are you enjoying this beautiful weather?  Have you started mowing yet?  Most of my neighbors have, I'm holding out a little longer...imagine if we had to mow from March until Sept/Oct!!  That's a long time...

Friday, March 2, 2012

And the winner was...

ME!!!   Super excited for a free quarter of Farrell's!  My name was drawn out of around 30 names according to the owner.  I'm going to go out and buy a lotto ticket. :)

On a different note, I just signed up for my first 5K race.  That's right - I'm going to try to become a runner. :)

My friend Jess and I will be completing the Avera Breast Cancer 5K on May 12th here in Sioux Falls.  I'm kind of nervous, but mostly excited.  I'm going to have to start running now so that I'm ready for this race.  I know I can do a 45 minute killer kickboxing session, but I don't run.  I mean - literally - I NEVER run.  So this should be a challenge.

If you would like to support me and make (maybe) your first tax deductible charitable contribution for 2012, feel free to visit Avera Race website, click, "Support a Participant" in the top right hand corner, type in my name and enter a donation.

Wish me luck as I try to become a runner!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February FIT Challenge

At the end of January I signed up for the February FIT Challenge.  To work out every day during the month of February (excluding Sundays).  Today I just finished my last workout!

Since I completed every day's workout, I'm now entered into a drawing for a free quarter of membership at Farrell's.  If I end up winning - I'll definitely be back to let you all know!  Keep your fingers crossed!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Introducing Graham!!

I just had a great weekend!  My best friend Bri, and her family, live in Windom, MN.  I love the fact that they live fairly close again (they use to live in Minneapolis) and I can go to see them for a quick day trip or a weekend trip.  I arrived in Windom around noon on Saturday and just got back home.

Bri, Matt, and Graham just moved into their new house and Neko and I had to continue our tradition of being first overnight guests at their new houses. In the 24ish hours I spent there, Bri and I put together two puzzles, and all of us watched many hours of Netflix TV.

But, probably the most fun part of the weekend was getting to spend time with my 8 month old godson, Graham!

Graham was born last June and has just been an adorable sweet baby every time I see him!

*This was Graham and I at his baby shower in July

*Graham and I when I visited right after they moved back to Windom, probably around Sept/Oct -ish.

Graham is walking as long as someone holds his hands, but it won't be long until he's running around like a crazy baby.  We also went out to supper at River City Eatery, and if you're in Windom, I would definitely recommend checking out this great eatery.  Live music and great home cooking.

I hope you all had as great of a weekend as I did!  I can't wait to see my favorite family during my next visit, probably some time in March. (Bri, this is fair warning that I'm coming.)

I'll leave you of another couple pictures of one of the cutest babies I know!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Chocolate Malted Cookies

So I told you last week I had made some great cookies and I'm back to share my recipe now!  I made these cookies for the Super Bowl party I went to.  There ended up being a lot left over so off to work they went.  Let me tell you - they went like hotcakes there!  Everyone loved them and ate them all up!

photo from Taste of Home

Here's the recipe:

Chocolate Malted Cookies

1 c. butter
1 1/4 c. packed brown sugar
1/2 c. malted milk powder (I used chocolate)
2 Tbsp. chocolate syrup
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
1 egg
2 c. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. semisweet chocolate chunks
1 c. milk chocolate chips

In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter, brown sugar, malted milk powder, chocolate syrup and vanilla for 2 minutes.  Add egg.  Combine the flour, baking soda and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture, mixing well after each addition.  Stir in chocolate chunks and chips.

Shape into 1-in. balls; place 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets.  Bake at 375 degrees for 12-14 minutes or until golden brown.  Cool for 2 minutes before removing to a wire rack.

Try these out and let me know what you think!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

January Reads

Sorry folks, I haven't been on here for awhile.  I took an unexpected trip home last week and have spent the past week trying to play catch up after I got back.  Don't worry - everything is fine back on the home front - a slight scare by my mom, but everything turned out perfectly fine.

Anyway, one of my new years resolutions was to read more.  I LOVE to read, but I feel like I haven't been reading as much as I use to since I got my house.  I feel like I spend more time watching TV or doing other random things, and to be honest, I miss the different worlds and places that my books always take me.  So I started this year by making a list of the books I read and decided I would give you ideas for different books to read as well if you're interested!  Here is my list from January:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

I really liked this book.  It starts pretty slow, spending time developing the characters and situations.  Once you got through about the first 100-150 pages, I felt like it really picked up.  Warning: there are some intense and graphic violent attacks against one of the characters!  I didn't know if I wanted to continue after this part of the book, but I'm so glad I did.  This book combines murder mystery, family saga and financial intrigue into one good read.  Stacey's rating: B+

The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks

Okay, I must admit, I read just about every Nicholas Sparks book that comes out.  Sometimes I don't know why.  I always end up bawling my way through the endings and this book was no exception.  This is a story about two high school sweethearts that reunite after they've grown up.  They both come back to their small home town after an important figure in both of their lives passes away.  I did like this book, but it's what I've come to expect from Mr Sparks and I wish for once he would surprise me.  Stacey's Rating: B

The Hunger Games Trilogy: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, & Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins


I loved these books.  I read the entire trilogy in a weekend.  I'm serious.  I could not put them down.

Let's start with Hunger Games:  Imagine a world where all of North America was destroyed and in its place is the nation of Panem, a central capitol and 12 outlying districts.  In order for the government to control the people in all the districts they basically starve them and each year they host "The Hunger Games".  In the hunger games, each district chooses one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 to compete to the death.  The winner's district wins extra food for their district for the next year.  In this book we're introduced to Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Prim and all the other unforgettable characters.  LOVED THIS BOOK!! Stacey's Rating: A+

Next in the trilogy was Catching Fire: The winner of the Hunger Games has to go from district to district on basically a winners tour.  During this tour, the discourse among the people of the districts can be felt.  They are unhappy with the capitol and tensions are rising.  Change is coming and the capitol is trying desperately to defuse the situation.  This was probably my least favorite of the trilogy, but was still good. Stacey's Rating: A-

The final book of the trilogy, Mockingjay, sends us back to the hunger games.  The capitol is pulling out all the stops.  They want the face of the revolt among the districts dead and in order to do that they've devised a new plan. The contestants for this year's hunger games will come from past winners.  But the story doesn't end there.  Read this to see how it ends!!  Stacey's Rating: A

Lovers and Dreamers by Nora Roberts

Okay, here's a secret I'll let you all in on...I like the occasional romance book.  And Nora Roberts almost never disappoints me.  There's love, there's a fight that breaks up our favorite couple, and then they get back together.  The reader is happy, upset, and feel for each character.  Mrs. Roberts just has a way with words.  This book is actually a compilation of a trilogy of hers, following three girls that grew up in the same house.  It was good, but nothing really special.  Stacey's Rating: B-

Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich

If you haven't met Stephanie Plum, I strongly encourage you to take the time to.  I've read all 17 books that follow this crazy bounty hunter and am honestly never disappointed by her stories.  There are some many lovable characters in this series.  Stephanie is a bounty hunter for her cousin Vinnie,  she lives in New Jersey and is partners with a retired prostitute Lula, who is hilarious!  Stephanie's grandmother lives with her parents, in the same town as Stephanie, and Grandma Mazur will have you rolling on the floor with her antics. Stephanie also has two men in her life, Ranger and Morelli, that keeps the story interesting.  Join the gang as they hunt down bad guys and dodge people who are intent on killing Stephanie for things she usually gets inadvertently involved in.  These books are light, fun, and require little thought as you join the fun. Stacey's Rating: A-

Divine Evil by Nora Roberts

As I stated before, Nora Roberts rarely disappoints me in her stories.  This was one of those rare exceptions.  I read this book, hoping it would change or get better through the whole story, but alas that didn't happen.  I was not a fan of this book and wouldn't recommend reading it unless you want to be creepedStacey's Rating: D

Alrighty, there you go!  There's the list of the books I covered during January.  I'm in the middle of baking cookies that are suppose to taste just like a "good old fashioned chocolate malt" so I'll try to pop back in during the week to give you all the recipe and tell you how they turned out.  Happy reading!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Alright my fellow friends - I have really been slacking on this blog lately and need to do better!

So, I'm going to try to do a quick recap of what's been happening lately in my life.  I started my new position with the World Clinic department at Sanford last Monday - so 1 week is done.  I'm enjoying my team and what I've been working on and am looking forward to getting more involved in what's happening in the department.  The first couple weeks are always slow until you get up to full speed of what's happening.  Budget season is starting - so it should be interesting!

Farrell's Winter session start last week and I'm a coach this session.  We have instructors, the people who teach the actually classes, but we also have coach's - which are basically mentors for the new students.  I have 6 people who I mentor and motivate and I love it!  I think the thing that I didn't expect is to see the change in myself over just 17 weeks.  I go through the first weeks workouts and remember how I could barely make it through them and now I realize how far I have come and how much stronger I've become and I love it!

I've also started doing hot yoga occasionally as well.  There's a studio here in Sioux Falls that offer this - which is when you do yoga in a studio that has a temperature of 105 degrees and 30% humidity.  It's hot and I sweat more than I've ever sweat in my life!  Seriously, every part of my body sweats - my arms and legs, even my feet.  During classes, I look like I just got out of a shower with sweat pouring down my arms and legs.  It sounds weird, but it's very cleansing and relaxing.  Although today I did my first 90 minute session and it was way harder than the 60 minute sessions I have been attending.

Finally, I'm going to leave you with a new video that was made by the women of Farrell's in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  This has become my new MOTIVATION!  I really want Sioux Falls women to make a video now!  This totally explains how I feel doing FXB!!  Women of Cedar Rapids IA

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Best Friend

I read a blog called Branny Boils Over regularly and when her Souper Bowl post came up, I knew what my next blog post would be about!  My favorite animal of all time - Neko.

I adopted Neko Easter weekend of 2009 right after I moved into my house.  The house was just so empty and I knew that a dog would be the perfect addition - especially since I had a huge backyard that one could run around in.

I was volunteering at the humane society at the time, and was waiting for the right dog to come through.  I thought I was looking for a puppy that would grow up to be a smaller sized dog - perhaps a Maltese or Yorkie Terrier.  Instead I ended up with a black lab that has grown up to be a 70 lb. pooch.

I love the fact that I have a walking partner who makes me stay active.  I love that I have a welcome committee as soon as I walk through the door whether I was gone 5 seconds or 5 hours.  I love that Neko makes sounds like Chewbacca off Star Wars when she greets new people or gets excited about something else.

So, as requested by the Souper Bowl blog post, I dedicate one of my favorite soups, White Bean & Turkey Chili to my baby, Neko.

Here's the recipe:

White Bean & Turkey Chili

1 Tbsp. canola oil
2 medium diced yellow onions
1 1/2 Tbsp chili powder
1 Tbsp minced garlic
1 1/2 Tbsp ground cumin
1 tsp dried oregano
3 (15.8 oz) cans Great Northern beans, rinsed and drained
4 cups chicken broth
3 cups chopped cooked turkey (can also use chicken)
1/2 cup diced seeded tomatoes
1/3 cup chopped cilantro (optional)
2 Tbsp fresh lime juice
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground pepper

Heat oil in a large pot over medium high heat.  Add onion; saute 10 minutes or until tender and golden.  Add chili powder, garlic, and cumin; saute for 2 minutes.  Add oregano and beans; cook for 30 seconds.  Add broth, bring to a simmer.  Cook 20 minutes.  Place 2 cups bean mixture in a blender and process until smooth.  Return puree mixture to pot.  Add turkey, and cook 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated.  Remove from heat.  Add diced tomato, chopped cilantro, lime juice, salt and pepper; stirring well.

Nutritional info per 1 cup:
Calories: 286, Fat: 6 g, Protein: 32.4 g, Carb: 24.3 g, Fiber: 5.5 g, Chol: 85 mg, Sodium: 435 mg
