Saturday, April 21, 2012

My favorite commercial

So I really don't watch a lot of TV live.  Usually I am watching something that is recorded on my DVR, so  I rarely actually watch the commercials.  Last night was an exception and I saw a commercial that I fell in love with!  Seriously, this commercial reminded me so much of Neko.  And it doesn't just remind me of Neko because it's a black lab - although it helps - but mainly because Neko loves walks and squirrels and especially tennis balls!

Check it out:

I promise it will make you at least smile. :)

Oh, and on a side note - just so you know - if you clip a dogs nails too short they bleed.  And not just a little - seriously, like a gusher.  Good thing for her stuffed animal near by.  So, note to self - don't trim nails unless you have some Kleenex handy, just in case.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

And a month later...

Wow, I came here to post, knowing it had been a little while since I last posted, but I had no idea it had been a month!  Where does the time go?  This past month was C-R-A-Z-Y!  Here's a little rundown of what happened in my life:

1. My birthday!  My birthday was March 12 - and of course my friends and I celebrated like crazy the weekend before.  So, Saturday we went to Shenanigans and partied like rock stars.  Which meant I spent Sunday recuperating.  Monday, my actual birthday, was spent at work and working out (which was not the best idea after the stellar weekend I had).

2. Budget Season - It's budget season at work right now, well we actually just finished.  Budget is a really big deal at Sanford.  It means we make our wish list for next year and then cut, cut, cut.  Basically until we are bled dry.  My boss decided to take a week off this month as well, and headed down to Cancun.  This meant, not only did I get to close out the monthly financials alone for the second month (she was at our clinic in Ghana Africa last month) but I also got to meet with some of the bigwigs from work and deal with budget issues.  It was a crazy week and I was never so glad to have her come back - but it also offered me amazing opportunities for people higher in the organization to notice my work too.

3. Neko - so I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but last winter Neko slipped on ice and partially tore a ligament in her back knee.  She healed up and was doing fine - until Super Bowl Sunday.  Usually in the spring we have to ease back into exercise for her since she gets to be fairly inactive over the winter months.  I forgot this little issue and we went to the dog park and spent about 1-1 1/2 hours chasing tennis balls.  I left her asleep at home and went to a super bowl party; when I got back she wouldn't put any weight on her back leg at all.  I was afraid she was going to have to have surgery, but after quite a bit of research I decided to try letting it heal naturally again.  This means trying to keep her as immobile as possible for about 4 weeks and then slowly reintroducing movement into her life.  Well, every time I think we're getting back to normal, we have a setback - so we're still battling this issue and hoping all goes well when we go to my parents ranch this next weekend for Easter!  It could be interesting...

4. FXB - One session ended of Farrell's on St. Patty's Day (another great recovery happened the 18th as well - but man we all had fun!) so our workouts have been amped up for the last two weeks.  A new session started yesterday, so I get a new group of mentoree's and am excited to see what they all accomplish!

5. My basement...the last week of the month was spent cleaning my basement so I could have Roto Rooter come and clear the drains.  My washing machine has been backing up through my floor drain, which is normal, but it was getting a little out of control.  Finally when I went downstairs to change some laundry and had part of my floor flooded, I admitted defeat and started cleaning everything up so the tech could at least get into the basement.  Since there's no heat - I honestly never go down there during the winter and always have to have a big clean-a-thon in the Spring.  A separate post will be coming about this mission.

So, it's been a packed month of working, working out, trying to keep a dog sane (and myself) and working in my house.  What have you all been up to?  Are you enjoying this beautiful weather?  Have you started mowing yet?  Most of my neighbors have, I'm holding out a little longer...imagine if we had to mow from March until Sept/Oct!!  That's a long time...