Monday, September 19, 2011

The last week's happenings...

Sorry I only got one blog entry off last week because I was trying to recover from my first week of Extreme Body Shaping. (which as a side note I think is working - even after only week my double chin is down to only about 1 1/2 chin! and my spare tire is going flat!)  I made it through the whole week and couldn't believe the improvement from Monday to Friday.  Monday I could hardly make it through the 45 minute kickboxing workout and by Friday I was slightly surprised by how fast the 45 minutes went.  And I really like the resistance band classes - they go by really fast, but are still really hard.  It was so relieving to finish my Saturday class and have the day off!

So Saturday I ended up having my "cheat day" from my nutrition.  It's amazing how quickly my body adapted to the healthy eating and how bad I felt when I was able to eat whatever I wanted again. 

So after suffering through Saturday, I decided to have a fun Sunday and went to visit my best friend in Windom!  My friend Bri and her husband Matt recently moved to Windom from Minneapolis - along with Neko's best friend Lola (Bri and Matt's yellow lab who's six months older than Neko) and their 3 month old baby Graham!  It was an amazing day full of fun and laughter and I absolutely LOVE having them so close!

This was Bri and I at her wedding last July - so much fun!

I forgot my camera on Sunday, but Bri and Mary (Matt's mom) took lots of pictures, and are going to send them this way - so as soon as I get those, I'll do a whole entry about my little godson Graham! So look forward to that! :)

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